Monday, January 26, 2015

Whats Wrong with Being Right?

I am a young registered republican and that is a rarity in this country, But why is that? I believe it is impart due to the way the media portrays my party and what my generation views as important. Yes there universities such as Furman where the pulse of the campus does bleed red but for a national recognized  secular liberal art school we are among the few and far between.  So why is that young people tend to vote, think  and aspire to be left. Why does every news network other then fox news lean toward one specific side. What is wrong with being right?

I feel like one reason why so many young people lean left is because of what issues they think is most important for our nation. Many people my age believe social issues should be the main talking point when it comes to politics. It makes perfect sense, young people are either financially independent (meaning they only have to support themselves) or they rely mostly on the parents for finance's.  So for them issues such as the economy and taxation take a back seat to things such as gay rights, or abortions. With those being main issues and with the right still holding strong to there conservative opinions you can see why young people lean left. My only question is why can not more people see that our economy is truly  what matters. Can people not see that even though our nation's 15 trillion dollar debt does not effect us now it eventually will. That it is sad but true but the only reason to go college is to raise your earning potential. It is just frustrating because when I say these things and that I am a republican people assume to many things. Are my parents republicans? yes. But that does not mean I just reiterate what they think. Also I am totally agnostic but that does not mean I am against social values and standards.  Now I know I am coming of as bias right now and thats fine. I truly believe I am right, I  just want to know why is that so wrong?

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Why is college so expensive?

College prices are raising every single year.  When adjusted for inflation my dad's parents  paid less over 4 years at a private college then what we at Furman pay for in a semester. Also college is much more compulsory today then it was back then. So why are tuition prices so high? In my opinion there is the simple explanation and the complicated one. The simple answer is colleges now provide more for students then ever before. Colleges are marketing themselves to get as many applicants as possible so they must spend millions of dollars on non essential things. Today any good university has state of the art athletic facilities, dinning services, and private police forces, etc. The classrooms have there own computers, smart boards, etc. So you could say that this is why college prices are so high but if you do the math it still doesn't add up.  

I believe that the reason that college tuitions are so high is due to the government. Starting really in the 90s the government has been issuing billions of dollars in students loans. Giving large loans to any student not matter how likely he or she was actually likely to finish college. Nor did they take into account the amount students will make in there chosen fields. Also student loans are guaranteed money for university. So why shouldn't a university charge 60 thousand instead of 30 when the government will pay for it either way. So college degrees have become more attainable  over the years but at what cost. Today's college loan debt is more crippling to our economy then credit card debt.  With the average college student including all types of schools: Public, Private, Two year. taking on over 25 thousand dollars in debt in 4 years. We need to fix this  problem but how?

I believe the way to reduce college tuition and in turn student loan debt is to almost eliminate all types of student loans. This sounds drastic because there are many students who rely on them to get through college.  But if you look at countries where there are almost no student loans you see tuition prices being much lower such as in Britain. Since universities realistically have to expect there students (or there families) to pay a large part of there tuitions they must keep prices down.  So if the government was to get out of higher education it would help out ultimately lower college tuition. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Return of British Fox Hunting

Fox hunting has been a staple of British culture for centuries. The hunt has been a pass-time of the quintessential  british  aristocrat and noble. Even for those who did not take part in the actual hunt going to the hunt has been a part of country life for hundreds of years. In 2004 the hunting act was passed which outlawed most of the traditional fox hunting in England and Wales. Supporters of the bill believed fox hunting was cruel toward the foxes. People who where against the bill believed that fox hunting was a important part of rural culture and important in terms of pest control. Now with new parliamentary elections coming in may of 2015 the tories want to repeal the bill.  This is a very controversial stance because lots of english do not see why the fox hunt should take place. I personally believe that the fox hunt needs to come back and is important to english culture. From a practical point of view some forms of fox hunting are used to keep down the population of foxes. Just like bears in some states in the USA when the populations get to big it is important to reduce them.  From a cultural perspective the fox hunt especially on boxing day has been a english tradition for hundreds of years. I feel like to many european countries are destroying there own cultures in the name of political correctness and world acceptance. It is true many people who have never done it or witnessed it might see the hunt as barbaric but it is not for them to judge.  It is for people of England to make the decision to take part or not to, but not to chose for others.