Monday, February 23, 2015

The political landscape of european politics is changing and changing quite quickly. For a long time european countries especially those belonging to the EU have been a symbol of free market capitalism mixed other socialist social and economic policy. In some countries these polices have been quite successful in states such as Finland and Norway. One of the social policies that european governments had adopted was one of open immigration. Unfortunately  many of these socialistic programs have crippled many of the countries economies and caused much social unrest. This has lead to far right movement in many countries, this movement is not to be taken lightly because in some countries such as France the far right party could soon be the majority.

The far right movement is growing and growing fast, In Britain UKIP won the majority in the MEP elections, yes MEP elections are not nearly as important as MP elections but it still shows a trend none the less. The Progress party of Norway rotates between the second and third largest party in Norway on a very anti  immigrant rhetoric. Many other parties such as the Swedish Democrats, True Finns, and National Front of France are all becoming ever increasingly popular but why?

The global recession hit the world hard and especially Europe. Many people of Europe especially lower classed individuals blame the EU and global capitalism for there struggles. They also blame the influx of immigrants from Africa and the Middle East for taking there jobs and just taking free handouts from the socialist state. Also some european countries had too big of a welfare state to begin with. In many southern european nations once someone is hired it is very hard for them to get fired no matter how little they work. In some countries as soon as you are hired you get a guaranteed 6 weeks paid vacation. Most countries cannot afford this for all there citizens. So you can see that the far right movements in Europe are growing but not all for the same reason. There are parties like UKIP that encourage capitalism but don't want to be part of the EU or have nearly as many immigrants. The Progress party in Norway still likes and believes they can still afford all the social benefits as long as they don't let in any immigrants. Jobbik from Hungary blames global capitalism and zionism for Hungary's problems and want to go to a closed economy.  

Europe's political landscape is definitely moving right even if countries like Spain and Greece are moving to the left. With countries like Spain and Ukraine having rebellious regions calling for autonomy who knows what the map of Europe will look like in a couple of years. Who knows which countries will still be in the EU if the EU even exists anymore. 

Monday, February 9, 2015

To Kill or be Killed,

Mathew brings up an issue that has been around for millennia, is it ever just to kill, specifically a prisoner? For thousands of years prisoners have been executed for all sorts of reasons. Some for committing heinus  crimes, others for just fighting for there country and worst off some for reasons as ridiculous as being the member of the wrong religion.  This is why capital punishment is such a hard topic to talk about it, it is almost never right but also not always wrong. I see no problem with what The Jordanian government did to those prisoners already on death row. They at least killed them in a humane way compared to what happened to that pilot. The IS is performing some of the most barbaric acts in recent history and most International Super Powers are just sitting on there hands, doing nothing. Jordan has already started to bomb and attack the IS, that is a lot  more then what most countries are doing. It is sad to admit but for countries like Jordan they are at war, and when a nation is at war they have to deal with things differently. No I do not think killing those two former ISIS terrorists will in anyway deter the IS from acting but Jordan is showing the world that they are not afraid to fight back.

Another question Matthew brings up is do we always have human rights. The simple answer is yes but what happens when someone takes them away from someone else. The person a murderer killed had the right to live so why does the government and us as a society have to respect the murderer's when he (or she) did not respect theirs victims. Yes an Eye for Eye keeps the whole world blind but at the same time it is just to do on to others as done on to you. As society we just need to have very strict laws and circumstances of when the death penalty is warranted and when its not.